Monthly Archives: March 2020

Puerto Rico Department of Consumer Affairs (DACO) Extends Prize Freeze and Imposes Sell Mandate and Reporting Requirements in Response to CODIV-19

Today (March 14, 2020), DACO issued Order 2020-06 to amend the previous order (2020-05) freezing the prices of the following products: Canned foods, water, ice, milk, baby formula, coffee, all grains and nutrition bars.  This order specifically excludes meats and fresh foods; Any fuels, such as gasoline, kerosene, diesel, and liquefied petroleum gas (LPG), and

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Puerto Rico Secretary of Labor Publishes Opinion Outlining Employers’ Obligation in Light of COVID-19 Pandemic

On March 13, 2020, the Puerto Rico’s Secretary of Labor published Opinion 2020-01, an important opinion outlining employers’ legal obligations to provide a safe work-environment to their employees.  The Secretary stated that employees in Puerto Rico have a constitutional right to be protected against risks to their health and safety at work and, accordingly, employers

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