Firm Member is First NITA trained and recognized faculty Member in Puerto Rico
Promoting justice through effective and ethical advocacy is an important part of the mission of the National Institute for Trial Advocacy (NITA for short). For those who are unfamiliar with NITA, it is a not-for-profit organization whose focus is to train and mentor lawyers to be competent and ethical advocates in pursuit of justice. With over 40 years of experience teaching trial advocacy skills it’s no wonder its sole Vision is: “… to improve the quality of advocacy in our nation’s courts.” This vision is accomplished through its renowned learn-by-doing teaching philosophy.
Estrella LLC is proud to announce that Ken Suria, one of the Members of the Firm, is the first NITA trained and recognized faculty Member in Puerto Rico. He is also the Co-director of the Building Trial Skills Program that for the first time NITA brings to Puerto Rico next summer. This Program will take place during the week of June 16-20, 2014, at the University of Puerto Rico’s School of Law. The purpose of the course is to improve trial advocacy skills and to assist participants in becoming more persuasive advocates by learning how to handle witnesses and evidence in the courtroom. From jury selection to summation, the course will cover every aspect of the trial. Register now for next summer’s Trial Skills Program for the spaces for this program are limited.
Firm Managing Member Alberto Estrella was asked to join this distinguished group in October 2013. He becomes the first and only board member from Puerto Rico.