Department of Consumer Affairs Grants 90 Day Grace Period
On July 3, 2015 the Secretary of the Puerto Rico Department of Consumer Affairs (DACO), Nery E. Adames Soto, granted a ninety (90) day grace period for compliance with its new Regulation against Deceitful Practices and Advertisements. Mr. Adames recognized the difficulties that the new regulation creates on retailers’ operations due to the changes that would need to be made in order to comply. Most retailers were concerned about compliance of those advertisements already in circulation, as well as the ones being published in the near future due to the advance time needed for production of most ads.
During this period, the agency will only issue orientation tickets to those retailers which do not comply with the new regulation. Nonetheless, this grace period will not preclude any consumer who feels his or her rights are being violated to file a complaint with the agency. The grace period started on the date of effectiveness of the new regulation, June 28, 2015, and will end on September 25, 2015.